# of watchers: 12
Fans: 0
| D20: 14 |
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Friendly: | 0 |
2006-08-09 [Sky Chord]: *Screams* I SMELL SUNBURN!
2006-08-09 [spartan glory]: it isn't sunburnt, it's just colored... slightly...
2006-08-09 [Sky Chord]: *pokes it*.......wow
2006-08-09 [spartan glory]: **looks at Gary with intense look**
2006-08-09 [Sky Chord]: *gets a stick* i know what it is....
2006-08-09 [spartan glory]: **hangs from the treelimb**
2006-08-09 [Sky Chord]: did someone hit you? its ok to talk abou problems......
2006-08-09 [spartan glory]: No... it wasn't a squirrel... it was... was... was... was...was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... was... KIMMY!!!
2006-08-09 [Sky Chord]: is it a love bite....
2006-08-09 [spartan glory]: NO!!!
2006-08-09 [Sky Chord]: *poke* it was a squirrl.......
2006-08-09 [spartan glory]: IT WAS KIMMY DAGNABIT AND SHE HIT ME!!! OKAY?!?
2006-08-09 [Sky Chord]: O_O PWN3D!
2006-08-09 [spartan glory]: it's ok, she told me she licked your face when you were sleeping
2006-08-09 [Sky Chord]: she didnt touch me if she did i would have cut off her tounge and threw it out the window ^-^
2006-08-09 [spartan glory]: not what I heard...
2006-08-09 [Sky Chord]: or maybe cook it and feed it to doggies! you know they're starved! exept my mommys poodle......Sp
2006-08-09 [Dark Demon's Rose]: hi ppl *looks scared*
2006-08-09 [Sky Chord]: Or maybe shoot it off......why did she tell you she licked me anyway....
2006-08-09 [Dark Demon's Rose]: what i didnt lick no one
2006-08-09 [Sky Chord]: Andrew....you said she licked me while i was asleep....
2006-08-09 [Dark Demon's Rose]: GARY i never licked u
2006-08-09 [Sky Chord]: ......*jumps in the lake and disappears*...
2006-08-09 [Dark Demon's Rose]: brb
2006-08-09 [spartan glory]: shhh... I didn't say that...
2006-08-09 [Sky Chord]: *reads comments* YEAH YA DID!
2006-08-09 [spartan glory]: SHHH... Kimmy doesn't know that...
2006-08-09 [Sky Chord]: .......
2006-08-09 [My Sky's The Limit]: ...
2006-08-09 [Hinata-Chan]: *is confused*
2006-08-09 [My Sky's The Limit]: *same*
2006-08-09 [Dark Demon's Rose]: umm andrew i do kno u said that because i read
2006-08-09 [spartan glory]: Shhh.... No you don't
2006-08-10 [¤♫♪Ģєήίε♫♪¤]: No, nobody knows... ((I'm backing you up, [spartan glory]. Lmao.))
2006-08-10 [spartan glory]: Woohoo! Thanks Aaleeya!
2006-08-10 [My Sky's The Limit]: know what> *winks*
2006-08-10 [¤♫♪Ģєήίε♫♪¤]: Nothing. :) (You're welcome. ^^)
2006-08-10 [My Sky's The Limit]: heehee
2006-08-10 [Sky Chord]: *super confused*
2006-08-10 [She loves a ;:Rocker:; Kid]: IM NUMBAH ONE!
2006-08-10 [My Sky's The Limit]: XD
2006-08-10 [Hinata-Chan]: *really really really confused*
2006-08-10 [bring sarah the horizon.]: heyy.
2006-08-10 [Hinata-Chan]: hi
2006-08-10 [spartan glory]: Hello Autumn and possibly Gary.
2006-08-10 [My Sky's The Limit]: *waves frantically to everyone*
2006-08-11 [Hinata-Chan]: hi cathy
2006-08-11 [My Sky's The Limit]: hola
2006-08-11 [Hinata-Chan]: dddghsdghgxaaa
2006-08-11 [Hinata-Chan]: oops sorry kitty stepped on the computer
2006-08-11 [My Sky's The Limit]: lolits fine :D
2006-08-11 [Hinata-Chan]: lol
2006-08-11 [My Sky's The Limit]: if i had a kitty my mom would kill me lol she dont like cats
2006-08-11 [Hinata-Chan]: we have 21 cats lol
2006-08-11 [My Sky's The Limit]: O.O HOLY SHIT!
2006-08-11 [Hinata-Chan]: i know! 21 cats and 3 dogs!
2006-08-11 [My Sky's The Limit]: good friggin god lol
2006-08-11 [Hinata-Chan]: i know! lol
2006-08-11 [Sky Chord]: *is looking for something*...H
2006-08-12 [bring sarah the horizon.]: ello
2006-08-12 [Sky Chord]: HI
2006-08-12 [bring sarah the horizon.]: How are you?
2006-08-12 [Sky Chord]: Tired....lol
2006-08-12 [bring sarah the horizon.]: me to. i just went on like a super shopping spree. very tired.
2006-08-12 [Sky Chord]: so did i XD i did it yesterday though and i got NO sleep.i went to a lock in
2006-08-12 [Elf_Person]:
i helped a friend out with this song and she said i could use it i just changed it tell me what you think
The guy I see in the mirror is some one i hoped to never be.
The guy I see in the mirror is me.
I smear on a fake smile with force to make myself feel happy.
I long for love because I need it so bad.
I reach out for help,
when help is not needed.
I reach out for the bottle
because I have low self esteam,
The strength needed for me to get along is never where it needs to be
I deny that I am not okay and says I am fine behind a smile
The thoughts that run through my mind are not normal
Everyone lives to die some day
The guy I see in the mirror is some one i hoped to never be.
The guy I see in the mirror is me.
2006-08-12 [bring sarah the horizon.]: HEY! dats me you helped the song with! YAYNESS!
2006-08-12 [Elf_Person]: i changed it alot and you changed the name back i got confussed
2006-08-12 [bring sarah the horizon.]: im sorry.
2006-08-12 [Sky Chord]: O_O wha!? *just notices you changed your name* sorry headache
2006-08-12 [bring sarah the horizon.]: lol thats funny.
2006-08-12 [Elf_Person]: lol
2006-08-12 [Sky Chord]: I sowwie you gots confused
2006-08-12 [Elf_Person]: its ok
2006-08-12 [bring sarah the horizon.]: very sorry. so how hae you been?
2006-08-12 [Sky Chord]: confused and going to washington DC for spring break...and im leaving for a few days in a few weeks
2006-08-12 [bring sarah the horizon.]: spring break is a while away thou aint it??
2006-08-12 [Sky Chord]: what would be better? going now!? its almost time to go to school.We voted (besides we're excused from ANY homework if there is any when we leave including late assignments >.<)
2006-08-12 [bring sarah the horizon.]: coolness...i dont wanna go to high school! i am scared of starting!
2006-08-12 [Sky Chord]: im going to highschool next year....im not..^-^ im social phobic but suprisingly im not scared
2006-08-12 [bring sarah the horizon.]: so you are only in 8th grade??
2006-08-12 [¤♫♪Ģєήίε♫♪¤]: I used to have social phobia, too. But in highschool, there are so many clubs, you WANT to join one. It'll be fun, making friends in highschool.
2006-08-12 [bring sarah the horizon.]: im fecking scared for my life. *hides*
2006-08-12 [Sky Chord]: yeah,i started school late,and maybe ^-^ aleast a few people i know and a couple of cousins will be there
2006-08-12 [bring sarah the horizon.]: i have jjst friends from last year that are in the same situation i am.
2006-08-12 [Sky Chord]: just stick together! ^-^ me....im the quiet one....so ill be alone.....
2006-08-12 [bring sarah the horizon.]: aww...be loud like you are on here! lol
2006-08-12 [Sky Chord]: im ALOT diffrent in real life lol...in a day i wouldnt talk as much as this
2006-08-12 [bring sarah the horizon.]: aww...
i am very loud and talkitive...i get into a lot of trouble to.
2006-08-12 [Sky Chord]: i havnt got a detention that whole school year.....the year before i got one because i was tardy
2006-08-12 [bring sarah the horizon.]: i have gotten suspended and got saturdy skool and even threatend with juvy.
2006-08-12 [Sky Chord]: i have never been introuble with the law.....once..
2006-08-12 [bring sarah the horizon.]: why did you punch threw glass? you must have been very mad to do that. what was wrong??
2006-08-12 [Sky Chord]: I was going to get suspended anyway.....i got suspended for dropping my books on accident......
it was about a inch thick
2006-08-12 [bring sarah the horizon.]: aww...im sorry.
well loook love i must go for now. ttyl bye bye! =]
2006-08-12 [Sky Chord]: KAAAAAAAAAAAAA
2006-08-12 [bring sarah the horizon.]: thats good. im happy for you.
2006-08-13 [Sky Chord]: Thanks!
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: HELLO
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: OO.....
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: its GARY
2006-08-13 [Sky Chord]: O_oooooooooooo
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: lol
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: .....
2006-08-13 [Sky Chord]: *glomp* HI CATHY!!!!!!!!
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: hey gary
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: im getting 48 tattoos
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: OO
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: 1 for each of Kiss's records then im getting their logo between my shoulder blades
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: my friend is getting the A-7-X bat right where her collar bone is i believe
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: kool i worship Kiss there needs to be Kisstianity im serious dont laugh its not funny
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: im the same wy with Disturbed dont worry...
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: lol kool
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: i mean like,.....you got no idea,.....you can ask quite a few of my friends.....
2006-08-13 [Sky Chord]: XD Its ok cathy! ^-^ i know and i think its cool
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: NEW POLL
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: Oo
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: chose chose chose......ple
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: ok ok ok ok ok ok
2006-08-13 [Sky Chord]: sure.....lol alright,i gotta go to bed...by cathy ^-^ *huggles her* ttyl love you always!
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: thanks
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: ^^
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: what did you pick
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: something....l
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: pwease tell me
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: take a guess...
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: chronic events
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: *shakes head*
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: other
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: *shakes head*
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: WHAT NOTHING
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: no the first one
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: oh haha i knew it would make you talk lol
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: -_-
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: g2g
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: otays
2006-08-13 [Sky Chord]: O_O XD
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: GARY
2006-08-13 [Sky Chord]: where!? *looks around*
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: HELLO YAY SOME ONE KOOL IS ON no offense yall are kool too but hes kooler
2006-08-13 [Sky Chord]: O_O no im not...Cathy is Kooler!
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: well she aint on
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: hell no im not....
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: yez u r
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: think what you want i am not
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: ok i will,yez
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: -_- i am not
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: yez
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: no
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: YEZ AND I SAY SO
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: WELL I SAY NO!
2006-08-13 [bring sarah the horizon.]: what r u 2 fighting about??
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: he thinks im cool and im not
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: YEZ YOU ARE
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: i am not
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: you are too
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: i am not
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: yez you are
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: i am not
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: yez you are
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: i will argue till i have to leave then argue some more damnit i am nto
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: i will too,yez you are
2006-08-13 [bring sarah the horizon.]: OKAY!!! Eveyone is cool in there own way! So quit fighting about it! lmao
2006-08-13 [My Sky's The Limit]: *sighs* fine......[Elf_Person] we'll carry this out in Private messages....
2006-08-13 [Sky Chord]: O_O well....um....
2006-08-13 [bring sarah the horizon.]: cathy is you gf right?
2006-08-13 [Sky Chord]: yes,yes she is
2006-08-13 [bring sarah the horizon.]: Aww... thats so cute.
2006-08-13 [Sky Chord]: O_O *blush* lol
2006-08-13 [bring sarah the horizon.]: lol so how are you?
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: GOOD
2006-08-13 [bring sarah the horizon.]: lol how is that whole fight with that guy going? finally figure out if he is cool or not?? lmao
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: thats a girl
2006-08-13 [bring sarah the horizon.]: whatever! i havent looked at her page. did you settle it??
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: nope
2006-08-13 [bring sarah the horizon.]: okay.
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: lol
2006-08-13 [bring sarah the horizon.]: im not really in a good mood.
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: i can tell
2006-08-13 [bring sarah the horizon.]: sorry.
2006-08-13 [Elf_Person]: it ok
2006-08-13 [bring sarah the horizon.]: .....
2006-08-13 [Sky Chord]: *titls head* are you ok? wanna talk about it?
2006-08-13 [bring sarah the horizon.]: i dont know. theres just....if you want to talk about it.
2006-08-13 [Sky Chord]: PLEEEEEEEEEASE
2006-08-13 [bring sarah the horizon.]: can we like talk about it in privat messages. i dont want everyone knowing my problems.
2006-08-13 [Sky Chord]: sure...ill message you
2006-08-13 [bring sarah the horizon.]: okay.
2006-08-13 [Sky Chord]: *whisles**
2006-08-27 [..Heartless♥ VK]: Fanclub ennit gray XP
2006-08-27 [Sky Chord]: O_o ......weirdo XD
2006-08-27 [..Heartless♥ VK]: =O well excooooose me
2006-08-27 [Sky Chord]: O_ooooo
2006-08-27 [..Heartless♥ VK]: < Your mean
2006-08-27 [Sky Chord]: ........
2006-08-27 [..Heartless♥ VK]: ..............
2006-08-27 [..Heartless♥ VK]: O_____o...
2006-08-27 [Sky Chord]: haha
2006-08-27 [..Heartless♥ VK]: YOU HAVE A PSP T______T *is mega jealous*
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